Monday, September 28, 2009

Law Office of Evan Simpson

Since getting chat working, I've been busy, but not with the game. I decided to try to make a go of it as a one-man law office. Obviously I'm a computer geek as well as a lawyer, so I'm going to use technology wherever I think it will help. Bankruptcy law is a very computer-friendly area, since the court requires all filings to be electronic, and there are several sophisticated programs that can be used to help prepare bankruptcy schedules. I can get a ten-case license for Bankruptcy Pro, the one I'm most familiar with, for only $250. I have to keep my overhead low, so renting office space is out of the question. I'm turning this into a positive by making house calls. Add evening and weekend hours, and I think I'll be able to help a lot of people who would have a serious problem with taking half a day off from work to see a lawyer. The site for my Waco bankruptcy law office finally got indexed by Google last Friday, so we'll see how it goes. At least to start, though, I expect to still have plenty of time to work on the game.


Daniel said...

[Long time webboggler]
I went to your link to your law office just now and realized (at least on my computer) that your photo (as you may know) displaces a bit of your text. Not much, but it is noticable.
Good luck in your practice. I will look forawrd to updates and will look more at your law practice site later this evening.

Daniel said...

Concerning the photo on your law site: My wife's computer does NOT have the problem with your photo covering the text; rather it only overlaps the fading left photo edge and is completely readable.

Confuzzled Student said...

[First time blog responder, Long time unsuccessful weboggle/ wordsplay player]
I was just wondering what law school did you go to because I am going to university soon and I'm not sure whether to go to York (In Canada, it has a dual degree program with NYU) or UWindsor (In Canada, it has a dual degree program with University of Detroit).

&& In regards to the american legal system are the laws national or can I get a JD at NYU but be a lawyer in California?

Thanks anyways even if there's no response.

Evan Simpson said...

I graduated from Baylor University School of Law, in Waco, TX. Once you have a JD you can practice anywhere you're admitted to the bar ... but that's usually a state-by-state proposition. In other words, you can get a JD at NYU, then take and pass the California bar exam, and you'll be able to practice law in California but not other states (mostly) unless you take the exam in the other state. Many state bars do have reduced admission requirements if you're already admitted in another state, though.

Anonymous said...

Hi Evan, not sur if im in the correct place to say something about the game - by the way i've been a long-time player of boggle on here and love your game. Is there any way in which I dont have to keep typing my email address and password everytime I open the game up? Is there any way that this can be dome automatically? Many thanks - regards from London

Evan Simpson said...

If you have a question, especially if it involves a bug or problem with the game, you are much more likely to receive a response if you email me personally rather than posting here.

Look for the link at the very bottom of the "Contact Me (+FAQ)" page in the game.

ericliebman said...

Hi Evan

We wanted to know something... we're long time boggle fans since way back.. but cannot figure out how the top players in each round manage to score, like, 29,000 words in just 3 minutes? I've suspected they are just machines playing rather than humans.. is this true?

If not, do these guys who guess almost every word have a trick? We play all the time and I consider us pretty good with our vocab and our quick spotting of the words, but cannot ever get to more than 50th place!!
