Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Feature Progress / TODO List / Open Thread

This post is linked from the sidebar, so that it remains accessible for a long time. It has three purposes related to game features: keep you updated on which I am working on now, show you all of the suggestions, and provide a single place for new suggestions and discussion.

Evan is currently working on: Ensuring that everyone is able to play.

TODO List (will do, eventually) (no particular order yet)

  • Interface options: "Classic", compact, large fonts
  • Team-relative list of words found/not found/only I found
  • Facebook application
  • Google gadget
  • Alternate scoring options: "no errors" bonus; only unique (or <=X%) count; 1 point per word; unique bonus; only N+ letter words
  • Extended score display: # of words guessed, # of valid words, percentages found
  • Clean up word list
  • "Private" games
  • Other languages (German, Italian, and Norwegian have been requested)
  • Statistics / rankings / hall of fame
  • Snapshots / game history.
Suggestion List (may do, if enough people support)
  • Audible end-of-round clicks (option)
  • Allow players to attach personal info to their name (location, IM, email, etc)
  • Casual games: 5+ minute rounds, longer intervals
  • Allow "Qu" cube to be treated as just "Q" (option)
  • Alternate word lists (Scrabble, simplified, etc) selectable by player
  • Press a key to submit the guess but not erase it, so it can be extended/edited.


Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying the new game!! It's taking a bit of getting used to, but you've done a great job. There's one thing that is kind of driving me crazy, although I'm not sure if you can fix it or if it's just me.

When you click on the board to reposition it on the old game, the board would turn and your cursor stayed in the typing rectangle. Now when I move the board, I have to move the mouse and click on the typing square again. It's a small thing, but it's losing precious seconds for me!

Becca aka Take A Nap

Unknown said...

I wish that there was a way to - dare I say the word censor - prevent some of the hateful names that people sign in with. It's one thing to poke a little political or societal fun but quite another to slam races or religions in a viscious way. This is a game people! My kids play to sharpen their vocab and some of these names are just not ok.

Evan Simpson said...

debra: ban them! Click on the name, and you'll get a pop-up menu. For now, they'll only stay banned until you close the game, but soon your bans will be permanent.

Unknown said...

Dear Evan, a facebook application would be FANTASTIC. Facebook already has a Scrabble App which works quite well.

I imagine a good way to set it up would be to make it possible for you to challenge someone, who has three minutes to find words on the same board you have. Statistics and rankings would be good, too. Cheers, Ludwig

Anonymous said...

Hi Evan - great job - thanks!

Whenever I finish a game I check a few things to see how well I did, over and above just comparing my score against the other players.

I like to see what proportion of the total potential score I achieved - at the moment, anything over 10% is good for me!

I also like to see what proportion of the total potential score is achieved by everyone - this is some measure of the 'difficulty' of the particular game.

Perhaps these two items could be formalised in the scoring page?

Anonymous said...

Two things I'd love to see:
1. A chat area down below that would allow players to interact between games, talk about strategy, etc.
2. Some sort of statistical tracking and/or ranking. I'd love to be able to see things like my rank versus other players (tracked over time), my average score, my average percentage of guessed words, highest and lowest score, largest and smallest number of words guessed, etc. Also, where applicable, I'd love to see similar stats for everyone on a given game and tracked over time.

Anonymous said...

I keep getting dropped points in the new beta. Has anybody else noticed this? It's not often, but it happens enough to be a distraction. I'd also like to second a cursor function that returns focus to the guess dialog. Thanks again for everything!

Anonymous said...

Yay for extended play games for the slower thinkers and/or typers who are not less literate and not necessarily smaller vocabularies.

Anonymous said...

I'm still using the old game, and I can't get to the discussion area. It has been gone for some time (weeks?). Is this permanent? Not that it was very lively, but it was there.

Evan Simpson said...

The community area is down - until I finish getting the transition to the new version of the game sorted out, I won't be working on resurrecting the discussion board.

Anonymous said...

The game is great and it is a great way for kids to develop their spelling and vocab skills. My only problem is the obscene names that some people sign in with. I can't just let my child play without first checking the playlist and then I risk someone signing in with an offensive username while they are playing. Is there some way to prevent people using offensive and/or obscene names?

Anonymous said...

In the beta version,I regularly, but not alway, find that I am not able to scroll to the bottom of the word list that extends beyond the bottom of the scree after a game has ended. As soon as the next game begins, the full scroll functionality returns. The problem is experienced far mor often than not. Are others having the same problem?

Anonymous said...

How about an audible signal when a guess is refused by the game? I would also appreciate refused guesses being included in the player's guess list so that incorrect guesses could be reviewed.

Gel said...

Yes, I'd love this game even more it it used the official Scrabble dictionary, please! Oh that would help. SO many of my words are rejected now.

The majority of word gamers I know use this for Scrabble obviously, Wordox, Wordsteal, and even for Upwords (before it went offline), although it is back on msn messenger, but uses the Encarta dictionary. Please do not use Encarta! Encarta is blocking words that are on a dirty words list.It's ridiculous "dirty words" such as barf and pee. I kid you not. (crap is allowed- go figure.)

A 5 min timer option would be very nice. Love the way you've highlighted and categorized the found and/or accepted/rejected words. It's an enjoyable learning experience.

Any chance you can get "Word Yacht" up on a site? Their server at sierra/hoyle seems to be down a lot. It can be played one person against the computer or socially.

Anonymous said...

evan, id play your game more often if not for the dictionary. there are neumerous words not in it (none come to mind immediately), and some of the words that are in it are hardly a part of standard english. multiple dictionary options or a revitalised dictionary would be most welcome

Anonymous said...

In the original game, resting your pointer on a player's name highlights *all* of the words that player found. In the beta, it only highlights the words in the "words you missed" list. This is a rather large omission, IMO...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the hours of fun you have provided my children and myself. I also wish that folks would remember kids use this site when they select their sign in names. Is there any sort of guide to using this site? I only recently - and by accident - discovered that you can get the definitions of the words. I wonder what else I'm missing. thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have just discovered this site. I used to play tangleword on Playsite which I loved. The best thing about the tangleword game was that you could chat to the other players for 1 min between games and another was that they rated you as well. They have discontinued their classic games, much to my dispair!! So far this is the only site i have found where one plays against other players. I want to try the beta game but have had no luck downloading it yet.

Anonymous said...

What a great site! Really enjoy playing. Thanks for all your hard work and effort. Wondering what's been happening the past few days...scores, totals and letter connections have been incorrect. Appreciate your looking into it.

Anonymous said...

Scrabble on Facebook recently faced some legal setbacks and WEBoggle will probably have similar contentions.

Brad said...

I love this game and the new interface. Great work!! I too would love to be able to chat with the other players. I saw a comment for this but it hasn't shown up on the To-Do or Suggestions lists.


Anonymous said...

I love this game and spend too much time on it--so thank you for the "log me off after one game" option. My wrists need that for when my will power isn't very strong!
Suggestion: the only "real" problem is that, at least with my browser (Safari), sometimes at the end of that last game I actually somehow get off the site entirely (e.g. I hit "delete" right when time is up because I was in the middle of mistyping a word) and it actually interprets that as a browser "BACK" request, which means it takes me off the site. Then I can't see the list of words I missed or even where I ranked because I've been logged off and can't log back in for an hour! Is there some way to make an option for "Show scores/words from last game without logging in"?