Wednesday, January 28, 2009


A nasty stomach bug has been going around; My friend caught it, followed by my son, my grandson, and my wife. I thought I might make it through unscathed. No such luck. Yech. It hit me around 2pm, and I've spent the rest of the day in bed.

Update: I'm feeling better now. Last night, I dared to eat something other than crackers and applesauce, and nothing bad happened. Seems like half of the people in town have had this bug!


Anonymous said...

Hope you're all feeling better by now!

Anonymous said...

When my husband and I try to play as a team, I don't see the team score but he does. I see him and me as having different rankings from the rankings he sees for us, but we both see the same number of points for each of us. I really appreciate what you've done here, and I contribute on a regular basis, and I hate to be a whiner, but these problems really take all the fun out of playing as a team. This did not use to happen. Thanks again for putting together a great game.

Unknown said...

Evan, I love your site and I have only one request....given the times and the rise of antisemitism and white nationalism, could we PLEASE stop allowing words like YID and WOG and I'm sure some others that just don't need to be used anymore?
Whatever reasons one may have to avoid censorship, and I do understand that it can go too far, these terms are hurtful at best and dangerous at worst. Thanks, again, for a great site, and for hearing me out.
All the best to you and yours,
Christopher Worth(